Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do Whats Good for You

Lately I have been having some issues with a few of my "friends". They don't know how I feel because if I try to talk to them about it they refuse to listen. Basically the big thing is they will ignore my unless they need something from me. One piece of advice I can give you right now is be nice to people but don't be too nice, because people will use you, trust me, I know. I am tired of being the person that is expendable, I'll be there when you need me but other than that I don't matter. Its been causing me a lot of problems lately. Its been causing me to feel as if I have to act out to get attention from them. I haven't acted out yet but its crossed my mind. My self-esteem has been dropping because of it, and its already not doing so well because of swimming in gym.

I want to use my experience to help other people. If you ever feel this way, or have, listen closely. They don't mean anything, friends will come and friends will go, its not worth it for you to feel worthless. You are more then someone to be used, you are a person. You are a person with talent and worth. You are a person who should never feel used and worthless. You look those people in the eye and say to them "Screw you!" Its going to be hard, its been hard for me to do, but your going to gain and loose friends and friends that only use you are NOT worth it. In all honesty they are not your friends.

I am going to wish all of you good luck if you are going through what I am right now. Its hard but I want you to do what's good for you. In return I ask you with me good luck with what I have to do as well. I don't want to loose these friends but the only way for me to feel good again is to loose these friends that are bringing me down. They won't understand but that doesn't matter, its time for me to put myself first. Sometimes you just need to put yourself first, and now is that time. Good luck to all going through what I am.

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