Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Hello my sexy readers! How's life for all yall? I hope its amazing for all you guys!

Lets talk about something today. We all know the images we are expected to follow. We all know what we are expected to do, and we try our damn hardest to follow them. But why? Do any of us know exactly why we try to fit these images? Is it because we think we are going to be accepted if we do? Is it because we think we will be popular if we do? What causes us to want to follow these images laid out by other people? Why do we try to limit ourselves to these images? Why do we follow these fads?

None of us really understand why we follow fads, why we try to fit images set by Hollywood and magazine companies, but we do. I do too, we all do. Its just something we do. We are influenced by the media and our peers. I think in a way we are all afraid of individuality. I am not saying I agree with the decisions Miley Cyrus, Lindsey Lohan and Justin Bieber have been making in the past couple of years but it proves my point. They are certainly all demonstrating individuality and we are all criticizing them because they aren't following "social norms". I give people props at school who are not afraid to wear exactly what they want, they aren't following anyone's rules but their own, not many of us can do that.

 We are all uniquely made, we all have our own special traits. We all have our own tastes, we all have our own opinions. We are all different and special in our own way. We are all perfect in our own way. Some of us are tall, some of us are short, some of us are extremely thin while some of us are chunky. We are made that way! There is a reason we are made the way we are! One person is not better than another and we should never try to change who we are. We should not try to fit a certain image laid out by other people because we are all different and we are all unique.

We are afraid of individuality, we are afraid of what other people will think of us if we don't try to fit a certain image. We are afraid of being ridiculed and outcasted because we follow the beat of our own drum, and the reason we are scared is because we outcast the people who do follow the beat of their own drum. Why? because we think they are weird, and we are wrong to think that. We know we are wrong but it stems from being afraid of individuality. It really does.

I think its time to change the perception we have on images, we shouldn't be trying to fit an image, we should be trying to stand out in our own way. We shouldn't cover up our flaws, we should embrace them, because we are all unique and we should embrace our uniqueness. I'm not saying you have to go out without make-up or without doing your hair, but don't cover everything up, let some natural beauty shine. Don't try to fit an image laid out by media, fit your own image, march to the beat of your own drum! Be exactly who you want to be, not what others what you to be!

It doesn't matter if you're short or tall, thin or thick, if you have clear skin or not, if you have freckles, or green eyes, red curly hair, brown straight hair. It doesn't matter, you are uniquely you and you are amazingly beautiful, inside and out. Don't hid behind something, don't conform to an image, just be you, in and out, through and through.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Hey yall! What is shaking today? I'm thinking after I type up a couple post that I am going to have a Harry Potter marathon! YAY! #NERDSTATUSANDLOVINGIT!

One problem I have been having in life is my negativity. I have been negative about basically everything lately, except for today. I did a lot of thinking today and it helped me a lot. You guys won't see this post for another couple of days, so hopefully I'll still be feeling good!

Now I deal with these things I call my 'dark periods', these are time where I fall into a sort of depression. They used to quite frequent but have gotten better as time went on and I began changing the way I think. I have had a couple of these 'dark periods' in the past week because I was under a lot of stress from finals and I have been dealing with a lot of peoples problems on top of my own. Generally I get really negative around these times, but I am also very negative basically all the time. I don't exactly like being negative, I mean yes sometimes you're going to be, but I prefer to be a happy go lucky kind of person.

Being negative really puts a strain on a person, you begin to have a very dark outlook on life. You don't want to go out and do anything, you just want to sit there and make everyone else miserable. That is basically your goal, and being begin to not want to talk to you or be around you because you basically piss them off. But you want people to feel the way you do.

When your negative you are never happy, you get caught up in your thoughts and you bring yourself down, you put a lot of weight on your shoulders and you drag yourself down. Its not until you look at things closely and change the way you are thinking that you begin to feel better. You have to change your own way of thinking. You have to look at a bad situation and think about what you learned from it, you have to brush the bad situation off and say oh well, rather than dwelling on it.

Let me put it this way, the sun is going to shine tomorrow. You may have a terrible day, but there is going to be a tomorrow, the sun is going to rise again and you can try again then. Always take a look on the bright side, you may have to go to a job that you hate, but at least you have a job. You may have to pay an expensive house payment, but that means you have a house. You may have failed a test, but now you know what you need to work on.

There is always a bright side to every situation. Always. It might be hard to see now but never, never dwell on the negative. Never let negativity take over your life. Smile. Be happy. Look at the sun and know its going to shine again. Something good always happens in the end, if something good hasn't happened yet, then it isn't the end.