Friday, May 31, 2013


So that whole blog posting idea has been failing pretty hard huh? I just haven't thought of anything to post! haha But I will try harder to post more and do a weekly post. I really so like having a blog, I just need more ideas to post about. Well since I am here I will just update you on my life.

 Next week is the last week of school. I cannot believe its the last week but I am also glad because I have no motivation to do anymore school work. I'm am just kinda done with school right now. Next week we have class Monday and Tuesday and then finals the rest of the week. June 7th is our last day of school. I always look forward to the end of the school year but I also dread it. I am glad to be done with school but I know I am just going to end up being bored all summer. There isn't much to do here if you don't have a car or money, seeing as I am not 16 nor do I have a job, I get pretty bored. But I have several friends with their license so it wont be as bad this summer.

I am actually very happy that next week is final since i only have to be at 2 finals, French and Band, the band final is always a joke and I can just wing the french final, I'm getting a descent enough grade where it wont matter to much if I get a bad grade.

I have basically no plans for summer other then soccer. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I might go over to Michigan for a while this summer to visit some family. That will be lots of fun haha.

I've been kinda feeling lonely lately, a lot of my friends have been talking with some guys that they have a possibility to date or they have a 'thing' with these guys, then I'm just sitting here like hey I really like this poll over here, its such a nice poll. Yea that was a bad joke but you get my general idea. :) sometimes I feel like there is something wrong with me but then I just tell myself that there isn't and they are just missing out, right?? To be honest I've never had a boyfriend, haven't had my first kiss, and I guess I'm okay with that. I feel kind of left out but whatever, it'll happen in time right??

I'm just glad that I have a lot of really caring, really nice, really awesome friends that are always there for me. Without my friends I have no idea where I'd be, not where I am now.

Well that's all for tonight I think. I will start brainstorming some ideas for blogs tonight since I have nothing to do on a Friday night but read. Go me!! haha have a great night everyone.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


They always say that at night and in the shower is when you do the most thinking. Well I'm definitely not writing this in the shower so the only other option is in lying in bed, thinking. So I'm thinking that I should try something new with this blog and post more regularly. I have no idea if anyone reads this, if you do seriously let me know!! Then I will have more ideas but I think every month I want to do a favorites post. Things like books, clothes, stores, make up, everything!! Just my favorite things of the month. I do want to keep this blog more up to date and post more regularly. It just gets hard when I don't know what to post or if I even have readers. Please don't be a ghost reader, I really want to know if you are out there!! Leave me a comment or something!! But I think a favorites post will be good. Also I think a post at least every week is a good idea, which will be either an update on things or the thing of the week that upset me. Sound good to any of you guys?? I am also seriously considering starting a YouTube channel, well I have one but I've only used it for projects, since summer will be starting very soon!! I'm in need of a change so I like this idea. Well I'll check ya all later. It's bed time!! Well after I check twitter.  Later y'all. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Life and Things

Wwwweeeelllllll heeelllllooooo Internet! I disappeared from the Internet for a while. I don't think anyone noticed it but heyyyyyy. I didn't know what I blog about but I wanted to blog something. Hmmm let's think here. I have no motivation and I cannot WAIT for the end if the school year, I no longer have motivation to do school work. Summer will be fun I hope. I am hoping to get a job and visit my cousins and of course hang out with friends. I also turn 16 this summer! Yay!! That is also a scary thought, 2 more years and I'm an adult!! Woah!! I feel so unprepared to grow up.  I miss being a little kid, with no worries in the world. But yeah! It's scary! But also exciting.

I hurt myself at soccer again, I really need a new ankle, I always hurt my left ankle, it looks like I just twisted it really well. I'm glad because if I hurt it again severally I don't think I'd be playing soccer anymore and even though I'm not a super good soccer player it's my sport and I love it. But I am going to rest up my ankle for our game Monday!!

I've been learning lately that you really need to let things go and not dwell on things if you truly want to be happy. Lately I haven't been very happy and that's because I can never let things go. I am glad I've been so busy lately because then I can't think, and that solves most of my problems. But if you bottle up your emotions and dwell on the past you will never be happy. The past is the past and you need to let it go or one event in your life is going  to bring up all you emotions and its going to take a while to really be happy again. You can put a smile on your face and tell people your happy but really it eats you up inside. So don't dwell on your past. It's in your past for a reason. 

I'm going to head to bed now, I have a test in A.P. U.S. history to tomorrow that I am going to fail!!

To anyone reading have a good day or night or weekend. Just have a good life!!