Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Blog Name - Self Esteem and Body Image

Disclaimer: I am not looking for attention, I just want to share with you the idea behind the name of my blog.
This post is long and I don't blame you if you don't make it all the way through. Sorry if there are grammatical errors.
I've been having a hard time decided if I wanted to make this post yet, its something I'v
e wanted to post but I've been putting it off, which is why I haven't posted in quite a while. For some reason I have a hard time finding the words I want to say to explain it and for some reason it makes me nervous. I have no idea why it does.

Being Me, Loving Me....Well Kinda was the name I thought of for my blog because I thought it fit perfectly for how I feel. As many females do I have very low self esteem and a very poor body image. Meaning I do not in fact love myself, nor do I feel being me is good enough. These words are things I strive for, I want to be me and I want to love myself but until I can feel good enough that is not going to happen. Many woman
feel the exact same way, and some are lucky enough to never have encountered this.

Some do extreme things to themselves, some can handle it pretty easy and some of us, we hide it until it all comes out. Some of the most confidential people you meet can actually people who hurt the most, they are just good at hiding. Personally I try to compress my feelings until I am alone, I don't let people know, and that is hard to do. I have never starved myself or done any kind of self harm, not that it didn't ever cross my mind. But every time it did cross my mind I shot it down, mostly out of fear but also I remembered that I wouldn't only be hurting myself but the people are me, especially my little brother who would not have understood. If you are a person that does these kind of things I pass no judgement upon you, you deal with things differently and I completely understand your logic, but please don't. Many people are willing to help you, they are all around, if someone doesn't make you feel better or listen, someone else will, even I will. I have no problem listening to people and helping people with their problems. My friends always come to me when they need someone to talk to, please done hesitate to contact me, male or female.

I guess I've always felt this way, as a younger child I was chunky, I'd even go as far to say I was fat. When I was  younger it didn't bother me, I was the way I was and back then it didn't matter. It started in middle school, that's the time when things start to change but it still wasn't bad, right around that time was when I hit my major times growth, and I began to thin out, now at 5' 11" I am tall and everyone tells me I'm skinny but I don't really believe them because of the low body image. I think I am quite big to tell you the truth but. It all really hit me once I got to my freshman year, I knew it was going to be a big change going into high school and it certainly was. My freshman year was a hard one, once or twice a month I would have what I called 'melt downs' these were the times when I would just cry because I would hate the way I looked and hate that I didn't feel good enough and all my emotions just came to surface, like I said I compress my emotions. I would always compare myself to everyone else and I didn't think I stood a chance against them. I also didn't feel I could go to my friends, at all, it just wasn't the way I was, I try to deal with everything myself so I can help myself.

One day in English class we had to write a persuasive paper and our teacher showed us her paper she wrote in college and it was on the topic of women and body image, and how the media played a part in women having a low body image. Already talking about it made me kind of upset, but I was fine because it showed me that I wasn't alone. I was fine all up until my teacher was talking about how Marilyn Monroe would have been around a size 12. I personally wear anywhere between 13 and 15. A girl in my class, whom I've known for quite a while goes "12! That's HUGE! I wear a size 1!" and that's when I lost it. I turned to my friend and started crying. She hugged me and slowly people began to see that I was crying, luckily the people sitting around my were all my friends and I soon had a group of people huddled around me and they were trying to comfort me. My teacher came over and talked to me as well then this one girl that I had not said two words to the whole year came over to me and asked me what was wrong. She was a 'popular' girl and she is absolutely beautiful, inside and out. She had already kind of knew what was wrong and she says to me 'not to be weird but can I hug you' she gave me a hug and was there to listen to me. She was there for me more then some of my friends and she was going through a very tough time, even now she is. She later messaged me on Facebook seeing how I was doing and gave me her number and we talked. I wish I was closer to her now but we haven't talked in a while.

This past year has been much better for me but it is still hard. I go through these times that I call my 'dark times' I have never been diagnosed with depression, but that is basically what these times are. Times where I hate myself and where I can't shake this feeling of being deeply upset, these often happen when bad things in life happen and all my feelings come to surface or when I begin thinking a lot, and a lot of other times. I'm not really sure when it happens but it happens about once a month or every couple months. Its all getting better, but it still happens.

Sometimes I hate looking at the mirror, I hate what I see half the time, I hate feeling the fat on my legs I have over my muscle, I hate seeing the fat on my stomach. But slowly I am beginning to like myself, and soon I hope to be able to love myself, and feel okay being myself. There is more I want to write but this post is long and I don't have the words anymore. I don't know how to describe it anymore. Basically  now I just fall into a depression and luckily after a couple of days I can pull myself out of it. Sometimes it takes a lot but its getting better. I compare myself to other still a lot and that doesn't help at all. I still don't feel good about myself, but its a work in progress and I think and hope one day I can be at peace with myself.

The words have run out, I don't know what else to say. But I feel like I am getting my self esteem up and my body image up and that slowly I am gaining confidence in myself. And that's what counts. So for now I'm Being me and loving me....well kinda:)

If you stuck with my this far in this post thank you. I know its long but I wanted to get it out. Thank you for listening and if you feel this way and want help feel free to reach out to me. Thank you again. Have a great day.


Monday, July 15, 2013

A Couple of Things

HEYYYYY!! So I just wanted to give a general explanation of a couple of things, and a bit of an update on life.

First of all I know this blog really had no direction and I am pretty sure I have very few active readers and its mostly people who just stumble here and that's okay with me. But I do want to have a direction for this blog and I know exactly what I want to do, I just don't feel ready to have a direction. One post that I want to have is an explanation of the name of this blog (Being Me, Loving Me...Well Kinda) There is an actual meaning behind it, and it wasn't just a random name I can up with. Another post I want to do is a post about Autism. Autism directly effects me and my family and I want to have a couple of post about Autism in general and a couple post in my opinion of Autism. Tagging along with the post about the title of this blog I would like to do some posts about body image, and after I explain the name of my blog I think this will make perfect sense. Some other posts I want to make are my general thoughts on things, wither it be about my life or things in society, or just general rants. I also want to make posts about things I like to do, some book reviews, recipes, crochet patterns, soccer. And of course the general posts about high school. I do have an idea of a direction I want to go with this blog, I'm just not ready to start on the direction yet.

Second of all if you do read this blog and like it, let me know!! I have absolutely no idea what my audience is like except for a couple of small facts that Blogger gives me, soo if you read let me know!! I know of exactly one person who actively reads my blog, and a big shout out to her for reading it!! Thanks Sarah! If anyone else is reading well let me know and I will give you a shoutout as well!! Also if you are reading this post and have read others and like what you read, don't be afraid to tell your friends!! I would love more readers and be able to communicate with others!! But please, if you are pedophile, leave me alone:) haha yea I have a bad sense of humor, but my friends think I'm funny:)

And that brings us to the end of this post, I have been doing absolutely nothing with my life lately, other then watching some youtubers, my current favorite is Shane Dawson, I've linked it to is main Youtube channel if you wanna check him out. **Note he has a specific sense of humor and some may find it offensive, or otherwise inappropriate** Any ways that's kinda everything I wanted to tell all you wonderful people out there in Blogger Land. SOOOOO have a beautiful day, or night, or evening, or...you know what just have a beautiful life!! :D

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth

Happy Fourth of July to everyone who reads this!! I know its kinda late on the 4th but I haven't gotten around to being on the computer. Where I live the fireworks are tomorrow so its kind of weird not having them today, but of course that doesn't stop people from setting off their own!! haha I've been scared more than once tonight by the fireworks when I was least expecting them!! We lit up a couple of sparklers tonight and cracked open some glowsticks:)

Of course the 4th is much more than just the fireworks and the glowsticks, its more than the partys and parades, its the day celebrating our independence and freedom. Today celebrates the day we became true Americans, separate from our British rule. We would not have a day such as today if people had not fought hard for their independence, if people didn't give up their lives, we today would not be free. People are still giving their lives to keep us free and to help other country's and nations achieve their independence. Today is truly a special day and I think a lot of people are forgetting the true meaning of today.  Its not about the partys, its not about the fireworks, its about out independence as Americans and the people that gave, and are still giving, their lives for our freedom. I would like to thank EVERYONE in the armed forces, whatever branch of the military, no matter how long you were in the service, for the sacrifices they have made to keep us a free and independent country. Today is truly a special day, and I hope we can keep the meaning of today true.

I hope everyone day a fun and safe fourth and continues to have a fun and safe independence weekend. I hope you enjoyed your fireworks and parades and cookouts, I know I had. Have a safe and wonderful time!!

Monday, July 1, 2013


Happy July 1st!! It is exactly one month until my birthday!! YAY!! Tomorrow is my last day of behind the wheel!! YAY!! I finally scheduled my road test!! YAY!! Its summer!! YAY!! Nothing else is going on in my life!! Seriously guys I'm bored and  I have no idea what to do. That's why I haven't really been blogging. I should really start writing down blog ideas..... I will start doing that eventually. Lately I've just been lazy, which is fine with me. I've been super tired for no reason lately. I should really just get together with some friends and hang out but I just haven't wanted to do anything really, besides eat. haha not good. But anyway this is just kind of a random blog post because I haven't been on  in a while. Ya knowwww. yeaaaa. Well that's about all I guess. Yup that's it. haha Au revoir mes amis!!!