Monday, September 16, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

Well hey there. Its been a while haha. I have been busy with school and everything. School has been an adventure already. So much going on, to many things I already don't understand, I had to give up on Physics homework tonight and am going in for help tomorrow morning. I didn't even get through one problem, go me! I also forgot to do some French homework over the weekend, luckily my teacher is super nice!

I have been super stressed out and its only the third week of school! I want it over already. This year has been really hard for me to get back into the swing of school. I don't know why the transition is so hard this year but its making me stressed. I think part of it is I am not ready to be this old yet, I'm not ready for my future.

My first day of school sucked, I hated it. I went home and cried. It was just rough, I don't have many friends in my classes and I had a buttload of stuff thrown at me. Plus I am taking an online class on top of a full schedule. Its been crazy but I am slowly figuring it all out.

I got my license!! I am sooo happy!! I had my road test on the 11th and I passed. I was so thankful. Of course September is a somber day for us there in the U.S.

I wish I had a car but I have to buy my own...sigh.... but on the bright side I also got a job!! I start my orientation on Friday! Excitement!!

There is so much I want to put in this blog post but I have to sort through my feelings. You might not know it but this blog is how I get my feelings out, and you don't know half of my feelings. I wish I knew if I had an audience but I don't know if I have an active audience.... It would make my blogging easier, that way I could do what I wanted with this blog but that's okay, I enjoy typing to myself.

I will be posting a fun blog soon I think, I just need to think of a fun one!! I will also be posting more I think, its just been stressful and I haven't found a time to really sit behind the computer and type.

Catch ya'll on the flip side LATER:)

P.S. peeps, talk to me! If you're reading, let me know, I want to meet you! I really do! I have a contact box to the right if you wanna just talk to me personally or you can comment! But seriously don't be shy! I don't bite!! I'm weird, but my friends like me! I'm not super weird, just funny weird! Talk to me peeeeeepssss. Like chicks, PEEEEEPs:)